Monday, November 3, 2008

Diaper Genies

That's how B refers to the kids since they started doing smart things when they were/are still in diapers ;-) Btw, if you are wondering where he got that name from, it was the brand name of the diaper pail that i have :-)
On thursday, Ashu sat down with daddy and prepared his own time table. I should say he was overly optimistic. He said he can get up at 7 and still manage to do everything, have his breakfast and milk and be ready at 7.30!! He had marked 1 minute for breakfast and 30 seconds for milk...hahaha..rofl...And on friday, when he got up it was back to square one.
He was just sitting and staring at the milk from 7 to 7.15 and B said what happened to his timetable and i started laughing. He came to me after B went to the bathroom and secretly asked me to tear off his timetable!! Dude learnt his lesson in one day! :-)

On Friday, when i dropped AJ in daycare, Ms. Allison was wearing a t.shirt that said Resurfaced. He touched 's' and said 's'. We both were awestruck and we thought it was probably a fluke, but he touched e then and said 'e' and 'r' and said 'r'. He did this 3 or 4 times and then he touched the 'u' next to 's' and said 't' ;-) Atleast he knows 't' comes after 's'.
Ms. Allison said he will probably start reading before moving out of the orange room :-)
Later she said she tried showing some letters from a chart and he recognized few more. Li'l due is on a roll...

Now both A and a (Uppercase (A) for Ashu and lowercase (a) for AJ ;-)) both are fond of kalyana samayal sadham song. I just sang it one day to make AJ stop crying and he loved it. I sang 4 or 5 times after that and both can sing that song. A sings more and 'a' sings like fill in the blanks. He completes each line of the entire song!! ;-)


vidhas said...

Vidya ajay is really great , is he watching that reader rabbit cd

Vibaas said...

Not yet vidhya. They have messed up the whole cd box..have to find that out. The fruit rhymes cd is not working on our dvd :( Didn't try read rabbit yet. Is it not computer cd?

vidhas said...

I got confused, i meant letter factory