Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May Update

First of all, you all know that B has graduated!! I was more excited than B and Ashu was more excited than me. Now, dont ask me why he was more excited because, i have no idea. He was asking me for the last 2 months when may 11th would come. After graduation, he is giving B raja mariyadhai :-)
He had his awards ceremony on 21st of May and after the ceremony they said we can take him home. I went earlier to edam pidichufy..so i can get good pics. The lighting sucked and kaalavaari vittufied..anyways, that soga kadhai apart..it was a very exciting day. Ashu got the following awards :
1. Certificate for Reading Achievement + Medal for the same
2. Certifate for all Es honor roll + Medal for the same
3. Physical Education Medal (I almost fainted there as he was only 'S' last year!)
4. Certificate for outstanding Merit achievement.
We were very proud of him. He didn't get Math award this time because he made careless mistakes in couple of tests and got only 97 and 98. Looks like you have to get straight 100s in all. Not fair! :(

Ok, coming back to the original story - after the award ceremony, i asked ashu if he wanted to come in my car or appa's car and he said since i'm a 1st grade graduate, i will go with appa because he is a graduate too. I said i am a graduate too..i got my masters..and he said 'haha...' What a great insult!!Worse than when he said his mom is a driver when asked about what mom is doing..Idhukkudhaan kozhandha porandhapram padikkanum pola irukku! :) Thanks to Bobby, i dont have my graduation photo to prove it.

Aj is talking a lot..but only when he wants to..if he's not in a mood he won't care to reply :) He reads a lot now..i think he can recognize close to 75 words now. He counts till 100 with little help. He troubles and bosses around Ashu a lot. More later..my hand is hurting :( Don't know why!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Something really funny!

Today when i dropped aj, it was raining outside. I was telling Ms. Allison that this is the first time i'm driving to Atlanta all by myself and it is raining. Aj heard raining and he went and got this tiny umbrella magnet and gave it to me and said umbwella amma. it is raining :) So cute and thoughtful :D

He can read so many words now and Allison said that every teacher that comes to their room goes gaga over how smart aj is :)

Ashu is all excited about B's graduation. First of all, he gets to goto Emory again. He loves it! He's so excited that he even agreed to wear formal and i almost fainted on that! :D Ashu got his monthly report and he got 100 in Science and English. 99.5 in Math and 97 in Reading. I asked him why he got only 97 since his teacher says he is the most fantastic reader in class. He said when they test they can't understand few of his words because he is indian! Go figure!!

I am off to Atlanta today for B's Graduation. Will write more next week..haven't updated this blog in ages!