Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yeh dil maange more...

Aj wants to talk so much and his mouth is not cooperating as much. it's too cute to watch him try though. I think he remembers all his favorite rhymes and songs and when it comes out, it ends up being chinese in the same tune.

Yday we took both kids to the doctor - Followup for ashu and 18mo checkup for Aj.
Aj wanted to get out as usual, so i carried him in the hip and was pretending like i was dancing with him - like i always do at home when he cries. I used to sing Wags the Dog song and end it with a tune tantan tada tantan tada tan tan. I was quiet since it was the clinic and aj sang something gibberish and ended it with tantan tada tan tan.
He loves playing 'Round and round the mulberry bush' with ashu..he laughs so much when ashu falls down for 'Pop goes the weasel'. In the evening, he wanted to play that and he held his hand out for ashu and said mubeesh bus...taan (for mulberry bush..pop) :-)
It just reminds me of how i feel on weekends..In my heart i want to do sooo much, but my body just doesn't cooperate! :-) Yeh dil maange more!!

His itsy bitsy spider goes like this 'ishhy bishhy bobar..chinese chinese...' but all actions are appropriate at the right time.

Ashu's follow up was good. He was very well behaved and kept aj busy when we were talking to the doctor.

Aj was as usual in full form. He, as usual charmed the nurses with his big Hi and non stop talking. When the nurse said good boy he said bye bye ;-) There is a commercial in TV where a guy says Hi to two people and aj always thinks he says Hi to him and goes near the t.v and says a friendly hi to him. Also if anybody says good morning he returns it politely - 'Maay maay'.

I got Ashu's test papers from last week. Math - all 100. English 2 100s and 1 - 96 and 1- 94. It was because he missed '.' at the end of each sentence! Wow! They are strict! ;-)

Today was picture day for Ashu. Hope he didn't make goofy face as usual ;-) He claims he smiled real good like how i would've wanted :-)

Today Ms. Casey said that Aj loves to eat the dinner rolls with butter - that's my dad's favorite :-)

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