Thursday, June 3, 2010

Award Ceremony

Ashu had his Award Ceremony on 26-May. He received "All As or Es" award and "Music Award". Music Award was a surprise for others in the family as he doesnt even hum a song at home :-) But, me and B have heard him sing some songs that Ms.Nicole had taught him for Veteran's day and he was really good, so we were not surprised :-)

I think they limited the number of awards to 2 this time and Ashu did not get the AR award. He was so disappointed as he was expecting that. He got the STAR rating though and he is reading at 8.7 level. So, even i was surprised that they didnt give him the award. But, i didnt ask the teacher since i thought it might be tacky. Later he convinced himself saying that the teacher must have looked at the quantity of books read as part of AR and since he reads bigger books he could not read as many as some of them. I felt little sad that he was upset, but it is an opportunity to learn to deal with disappointments. After we came home, AJ promptly snatched the awards from ashu and was running around saying i won two golden awards. Ashu was really mad and then surprisingly AJ gave him back the E award and kept the music award with him. He didn't fail to update any one who talked to him that day that he won two golden awards. He was honest only with Janani. When she asked him if those awards were Ashu's he said yes and she asked him then why are you saying those are yours. He just giggled :-) If it was not Janani and somebody else who asked that question to him there would've been a tantrum tornado!!!

One more update about Ashu is in Karate, he has got 4 orange stripes in his white belt now. He said he just has to take a test and graduate to orange belt. The master is waiting for another student to get 4 stripes so he can test them together.Dont know how lone he needs to wait.

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