Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Last week i wore a new top and AJ noticed and said "mommy, you look so handsome"..
I told him AJ, you should say mommy you look pretty and you are the one who is handsome.
AJ said..no mommy AJ is awesome and mommy is handsome. So, i asked him what is daddy
and he said daddy is cool and i asked what about Ashu and he said Ashu is...*thinking for a different word* and said Ashu is PERRRFECT! That was so sweet. Ofcouse this made Ashu fly high ;-) Anyways, i tried to change AJ to say mommy is pretty or beautiful..but nope..the boy was adamant..so i guess i am handsome! ;-)

Shivani was here and both kids were so excited to see her. They were keeping her busy the whole time. AJ got super excited and started climbing on her like a little monkey! :D When she left after dinner, the kids were both sad and AJ kept saying why is "he" going in the car. So, there is one more lady who is a he :D

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