Friday, October 30, 2009

My Spooktalur babies :-)

Nothing spooky about their costumes, alright? :) One is ninja, one is a cute puppy..and mommy thinks they both look spooktacularly cute in their costumes :D

September - December, life gets hectic with tooo many things lining up. First Krishna Jayanthi, Ganesh Chaturthi, Navarathiri and then comes Diwali, B's birthday and Halloween.Atleast september it is just us at it's kinda okay..But, From october the school starts squeezing in work...First it's the halloween/fall harvest party at both schools and they always pick different dates just to make it more hectic :-) Then, in november it's the the thanksgiving party and the weeks before that they have themes related to thanksgiving and give us projects and then comes the Christmas spirit. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love this season and love the festivity but sometimes it gets too much and office work is coincidentally hectic too..This week i had to run to the stores three times to get halloween costumes. First, i went on monday after picking up Aj. As soon as we entered the store aj saw the candy bags and balloons and the baby who was an angel till that time disappeared and the terrible twos showed up..I came back faster than i went in..I came home, had some tea to clear my mind and then took ashu to the store leaving aj with daddy. So, we went and searched and searched and the costumes sucked pretty much. Ashu wanted Harry Potter. They had the costume but no accessories. It sucked and Ashu said he would be red ninja instead as he didnt want harry potter costume without a wand and i totally agreed with him. Then came the toughest part. No cute costumes for 2 year old boy..i finally found a batman costume that was really cute and i bought it and came home. Aj took one look and said no. How merciless!! At this point i was at the verge of crying. B was sooo casual and said let him go without a costume, if he doesn't want it. I couldn't take it that light. I kept thinking that aj will be the only kid in the class without a costume and maybe he will realize on that day and become i tried again and went and got a puppy costume the next day. I made sure that it does not touch his neck, cover his eyes etc. Basically, i just made sure that it was a non-irritating costume for a 2 year old and aj took one look at it and said nah. Geez!! there was nothing else available and i decided to send him in Ashu's old costume - a 'not so cute' frog costume that he had picked when he was 2. That's another story that needs a separate post :) But yday, he cooperated and wore that puppy costume and he was really the cutest puppy :-) Every teacher asked me if they could trade him for their real puppy :-)

So, things were surprisingly going well. I got to go to the halloween party since a meeting got cancelled and i was all happy happy and after the party inside the class, it was time to go for 'trick or treat'...actually it was trunk or treat this year, where some volunteer parents decorated their car trunks with halloween decor and were waiting with candies for the kids. Aj didnt realize that it was gonna get this good and was initially troubling to stay in line and walk with his friends. He wanted to walk with me and run around..and once he realized he was getting all the goodies he followed Ms.Cathy and got all the goodies, then we went to the pumpkin patch and he started playing there without picking a pumpkin..then i cheated and picked one and got him out as it was getting late and the other class was ready to come in. We went into the class and the terrible two showed up again. He didnt want to leave the candy basket outside the class. He wanted to attack it then and there..Ms.Cathy made all the children sit in one place and gave a small treat. It was just pretzels, but in a fancy halloween pack.So the kids kinda mellowed down and i just flew out at the first opportunity that i got before the terrible two showed up again :-)

Today was Ashu's party, but i didn't have to go there as i didn't see any invite for the parents..I missed seeing his classmates in costumes though :-( I was good and sent the 2ltr coke already yday. Didnt want any embarassment as i'm capable of forgetting things at the last minute! That was what was assigned to us for the party. Ashu wore the ninja costume and was asking me if Ninja was bad and scary and i said i have no idea and told him that he should know better since he picked it and Ashu said he doesnt have a clue about ninja. I couldn't believe he would pick a costume that was not familiar at all. I know that we dont watch ninja at home and he has not watched at school either, but i thought his friends must've enlightened him since he was very particular about Red ninja and i asked him if he liked red ninja over the others and he said yes. Anyways, he was green ninja last year and they didnt say anything at school and i said so they should be okay with red one this year :-) If you ask me why we picked green ninja last year when we have no clue about it, it was because this green ninja had a turtle shell n he got all fascinated and picked it. I knew the reason better at that time :-) This year i didn't ask too many questions because i was dead tired. I vaguely remember watching the teenage mutant ninja turtle with my cousin, but cant remember any details :-( The mommy brains, u see.. :)
Anyways, back to the halloween story here..Yday, AJ came home with his loot and he was soooo happy thinking that i am going to let him eat all those candies. the innocence of the kids :D I gave them both couple of candies and hid the basket. He was really P'd off with me :-) Whatever!! ...this is just one more feather to my bad mommy cap :D

Ashu went to school in his costume. Was looking very cute and i'm sure he wont be too happy to see the word cute let me rephrase and say was looking very handsome..he doesnt know he will always be cute to me, even at the age of 40, if i live that long :-) He was pretty happy with his costume and when he left aj told him 'Bring lot of candies, Ashu!' Yeah right!! :D Ashu's class also had pizza party today since his class won the cookie dough sale..
He came home with his loot and ...i lost self control and ate more candies than them. Well, atleast i ate when no one was watching, so i didnt set a bad example :-)

We have another halloween party tomorrow!! Sigh!!!

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