Monday, March 16, 2009

I understand...

First off, it's spring break for Mr.Ashu. Boy, is he excited or what!! :-) He's going to Victory gymnastics for day camp and is all super charged :-) He loves it there. Talked to his teacher on Friday (b4 the spring break) and she said that he's going great with A.R. He used to get in lot of trouble when he was doing lower level books as he used to finish them fast. She said she is giving him 3.8 level books now and it's longer and keeps him occupied. I asked her if he's comprehending well and she said she tests him on that too and he's doing awesome :-) Guess what? after all the compliments he came home with 2 cards for talking during the class hours!!
Talking is in the genes..don't know how to fix that part ;-)

Aj, is going to be the next A.R.Rahman :-) He sings all the time and catches the tune very fast. Y'day i was watching Vaali in bits and pieces. He was sitting and playing near by and looked at the t.v only during commercials and songs. Well, he listened to sona , i love you love you da song just once and later when i was trying to make him sleep he was singing sona i wuv voo wuv voo in the same tune. I was so surprised. Now he sings some ads like amma gumma semma strong-a! When sun dish (or whatever that is) comes, he says Veetukku veedu sun tan tan tan! I knew both the ads only after he said that!!

Now he recognizes all the colours. Pink, blue, green (gween), red (Ved), yellow (lello), orange (owange), black, white, purple. Today, Ms.Kathy asked me to dress him up in something green tomorrow as it is St.Patricks day. Aj said 'dress in something blue', dress in something owange..and he went on with all the colours except green! :) She was laughing so much.
When i dropped him in the morning and said bye..he said 'bye, see you, u too'. I said 'Have a good day' expecting him to repeat as he is in the mirror me mode. He said 'you too' like a big boy! :)

Yday, he opened ashu's construction toy box and dumped the whole thing. It had small parts in it, so i hurriedly put them back and told him not to touch that box as it is Ashu anna's. He said 'I unnershtaandh' (I understand). B and I couldn't control our laughter :) More later folks..i am in a roll here ...typed (and copied pasted) a lot today.

1 comment:

vidhas said...

So... cute vidya, ajay talks so.. much Janani also gets complaints for talking in the class. Both are made for each other.