Thursday, January 29, 2009

Real Quick Update

Thambikku pal vandhudhu, annakku pochu dom dom dom :)
Ashu lost his 3rd tooth - top left. looks so cute with ottai pal :)
Aj identifies circle, oval, triangle :) red, black, brown, yevvow :)

Jan 25 -
I took ashu to watch Bedtime stories. I wanted to take him for Bolt after we came back from india,but the movie was out of the theaters when B came back from Atlanta. I was feeling guilty for not taking him to Bolt and i also wanted some time with him, without having little tutu annoying him ;-) He enjoyed the movie so much. It was funny. I laughed out loud at few scenes, but i was concerned with the language. dat's a different story.
When we returned tutu was sleeping and he woke up crying, after sometime. Probably he realized that we went somewhere fun without him? Hmmm He did something funny that evening. I was talking to amma and he was leaning on the entertainment center was turning on/off the t.v. again and again with his toes!! Yep, you heard me right? He was standing in one leg and was turning on/off with the other leg. Once his foot slipped and hit the channel button instead of the on/off button and it changed the channel and the pic went away. He said 'Oh no', which was tooooo funny.

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