Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Funny

On one of their swimming classes, AJ was just being lazy and was holding on to the noodle and looking around. The other two kids in his batch were kicking and moving around with the noodle. The teacher said AJ you have to keep kicking and AJ said, but i have a "headache" in one of my feet :D

Same day, after sometime i told AJ that he needs to kick his legs when he is floating in the water and also use his arms. He casually looked at me and said, "yes mommy. you are right" and continued to hang around holding on to the floaty. The lady who was sitting next to me burst into laughter and said he is soooo cool and laid back, i like that! :)

Ashu is now jumping from the bench in the 6ft side, without life jacket. That's a great improvement on his side. He was quite terrified of that when he started. I think another set of classes he will swim without any issues. AJ? I dont know about him..he is just lazy i think. I dont see any fear in him..he just likes to relax and probably party in the pool! ;-)

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