Thursday, July 1, 2010

Another AVK in the house :-)

Yep, now AJ realized how much fun Ashu is having at home and goes to daycare only part time. He stays at home three days a week. He is still very naughty and a little too much to handle for anyone other than me and B :-) So, i decided not to torture my mom by making him stay full time ;-)

My mom said that he doesnt trouble that much when he is at home, but it is still not a risk worth taking. Also, some days he wants to goto school. He dilly dallies a lot between school and home.

I did not sign up Ashu for any summer camp this time because B is travelling a lot and my project is at a crucial stage and i have to work at odd hours. That means i cant drop him some days and i didnt want the money go down the dumps as usual. He goes to Karate and i give him some work in the afternoons. He is learning tamil from me and mom as i mentioned earlier. He also goes for swim lessons with AJ, which deserves a separate post ;-)

I see a lot of improvement in Ashu's tamil. He speaks really good, but needs to cut that settu payyan accent. He recognizes almost all the letters..Makes me wonder why tamil has over 200 letters!! And i also realized that i forgot half of it and taught him wrong..i had no idea how to write nyu nyoo..etc. I have never seen those letters as part of any words, so i am not guilty of forgetting those ;-) I had to re-teach him after i found the UKG tamil book :D And seriously, the in india they teach ka nga cha na in UKG?!! Poor kids!

Both kids have started reading simple words. Ashu can read little more as he knows more letters.AJ recognizes 70% of what Ashu knows already. He learnt those like Ekalavya..he never sits and learns..just observes as he goes. He writes all of uyir ezhuthu and some mei ezhuthu and recognizes pretty much all the uyir mei too. Ashu knows almost all of them. Since i taught him wrong first he is still stuck with the wrong set of letters on some! My fault!! I got mixed up with tamil and hindi!! :P

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