Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ashwinism again...

Today we went out and came back only at 8. Ashu was tired and cranky and so was Aj. Great eh? :-) Anyways, when i gave him dinner, he was in an irritated mood and to rub salt on it, AJ came and grabbed his water and drank it. Ashu lost it and started crying angrily. Later, i told him that he should not get so angry at such young age and should count from 1 to 25 and that will help him get rid of his anger. He was so upset with that suggestion and asked me to suggest something else. I told him how about 'A-Z'. He got so mad at me and said "Mommy, that's 26 letters. I wanted you to suggest something better and you are suggesting something worse!" ROFL! My brother called me at the same time and was laughing at this joke and then told Ashu to count form 25 - 1 and that ticked him off even more :-)

Aj says 'awchom' like kungfu panda..wonder what it is! It is Awesome! :) He has started repeating a lot after us. Cutest of all is...'caa se meom'..for cat says meow :)

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