Monday, July 28, 2008

First Day of School

for both the kids. Ashu wasn't too keen about returning to the school so soon. :D
He was asking me why they had to open in july as summer was supposed to be till august end and it is really a summer break and they shouldn't open till summer was over. How can i argue with such a logical question? ;-) If you ask me they should give summer break for offices too...i guess that's why i am not asked for any suggestions :D

When i dropped Ashu, he said he felt little nervous in the morning about going to first grade and i assured him that he will do great and he was fine after that. After dropping ashu, AJ walked back all the way to the school gate and didnt ask me to carry him. What a big boy!

He went to new room today. Orange room for toddlers. Ms.Allison (Ashu's purple room teacher) is in Orange room now. Yay! She's great with kids and another Yay! because Ms. Cathy who is AJ's fav is there too :) But, he was little upset when i left him there as he didn't see his old teachers. They said he was fine within 2 minutes and had a great time today. He loved the sink that was at his level and wanted to wash his hands all day and didn't want to get out it seems!

When i picked him he was happily playing in the ride on car :-) On the way back from school after picking the kids i asked Ashu how he liked his 1st day at 1st grade and he said, 'Well they only made me do stuff that i already knew and that i already did in K'. I couldn't control my laughter and i told him that they were just brushing up and they will teach him new stuff soon.

I asked him if he made any new friends and he said he made a new friend Nicholas. He also said that he talked to another boy John and we can consider him a friend too..but not like nicholas yet! Another Ashwinism there! :D

After coming home, we called Daddy who had reached Chennai today and gave him an update on the kids. Ashu repeated what he told me when Dad asked him about first day at 1st grade :)

More later...

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