Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to school after five day break!

When i dropped Ashu today at school, his teacher Ms. West said that she is planning to start him on AR (Accelerated Reading) Program very soon. She said he's a fantastic Reader :-) When she was talking to me all the kids got busy and started talking and was moving around. She clapped her hands to get their attention and to get them back in their seats. Aj was very impressed and he kept clapping his hands at the kids. She had a good laugh.

Both my kids are sooo opposite to me. They like to touch animals!!! I still can't bring myself upto touching them. I can see them from a distance and admire. That's about it!!

They have a bunny called Thumper in daycare. He's a cute bunny who started as a baby when Ashu started there and he's quite big now. I've not seen such a big bunny in india. Anyways, before dropping AJ off in his room i spent some time near the thumper cage and Aj was sooo happy and he kept trying to touch him and i had to stay at a distance to make sure that he doesn't touch him :) He was so happy and was smiling ear to ear when he saw thumper jumping around. He again wanted to see Thumper when i went to pick him up later in the afternoon. I'm sure this has become a part of my drop-off/pick-up routine now :)

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