Friday, September 30, 2011

Sep 2011

Not much updates this month. It was just so hectic getting back to a routine. Ashu started his chess club again and Ajay is getting back into routine as well. I have signed him up for keyboard classes at school along with abrakadoodle. Will sign him up for tumbling when they start it back in October.
None of the extra curricular classes have started yet for Ashu except Chess. Will decide what he will be doing once we get the announcements. Apart from the school activities, i am thinking of enrolling him in guitar as he has been asking since the school started.
Sunday school started and is in full swing. This time it is little more organized than previous year and am happy about it :)
Since Ashu was sick during his birthday week and also the weekend being a long weekend, we decided to skip the party and went with his idea and took him and his friends to watch smurfs. Before that, we took them to chuck-e-cheese for lunch and they didnt want to eat obviously. So, B came up with a trick. We first gave them few coins each and when they were done we said whoever has a slice of pizza will get some more coins and made the kids eat even more than what they normally eat :) They had a blast. After lunch we watched Smurfs. Cute and funny movie. all the kids loved it. The kids were good overall and troubled me only when i was driving. My car had 5 kids and lucky B had only 3 kids in his car. I really thought i would become deaf that day and luckily i can still hear :) They were loud as it is and one kid started with who can scream the loudest contest :-O  Poor Me!! Ashu said this was the best birthday celeb ever..Well, he says that every year anyways ;-)